Internet Use Policy

The Caroline County Public Library provides public access to the Internet in keeping with its role in meeting the information needs of the community.

  1. Computer use time and printing are monitored by EnvisionWare® software.  Staff may have to limit time when others are waiting.
  2. The Library has no control over the information on the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its accuracy or content. As with other Library materials, any restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.  By law, minors are prohibited from viewing obscene materials.  Parents, caregivers, and children are encouraged to read and familiarize themselves with basic Safety Measures 
  3. In compliance with State and Federal law, the Caroline County Public Library prohibits access to Internet sites that are inappropriate for a public area.  All computers are filtered.*
  4. Persons using this equipment agree not to make any changes to the setup or configuration of the software or hardware.   Misuse of computers or Internet access will result in suspension of Internet access privileges.
  5. Please submit concerns, comments, or suggestions to the Board of Library Trustees for Caroline County, attention: Deborah A. Bennett, Executive Director.
  6. The Library staff is available to assist you in the use of these resources, but may not be familiar with every application you wish to use. If you have difficulty reaching a particular site, please ask for assistance.

*Filters may be turned off for lawful purposes upon request for adults.

Reviewed and reapproved by the Board of Library Trustees for Caroline County    August 14, 2024