Central Library Roof Replacement

Closing 9/11 - 9/22

As part of our renovation process, we will be replacing the slate roof on the Central Library starting September 11 with an anticipated completion date of September 22. During this period, the Central Library will be inaccessible and closed to the public. Both of our other branches will remain open during this period.

During this closure, we will be rerouting all materials on hold for pickup at the Central Library to the North County Branch in Greensboro. Materials that are still waiting to be picked up at Central at the close of business on Saturday, September 9th will be available for pickup at the North County Branch starting Monday, September 11. 

Renovation Update #18

We have finally reached that stage in the renovation process where we can take a step back and appreciate all of the awesome changes that have been made over the past 8+ months. As you can see from the pictures to the left and the video tour below, the Central Library is looking quite different these days. The flooring has been completely installed and our new shelving was delivered and assembled just last week! We’re still waiting for some additional furniture to be delivered, and some last-minute electrical work to be completed, but the next major step for us is to have our materials brought out of storage and delivered to the Central Library. We are hopeful that our next renovation update will include pictures of books on shelves!

A special thanks to Valerie O’Neal, our Circulation and Reference Manager, for recording a quick tour!
