First Month Complete!

The Floor is Lava

Ok, the floor isn’t lava, but neither is it carpet or tile at this point. Harper & Sons, our contractors, are making great progress on the first floor of the Central Library in Denton. Recently they’ve been installing new heat pumps for the first floor and pulling up all of the old tile and carpet that needs to be replaced. The latter part is pretty interesting because they had to use some sort of machine with a scraper to peel the carpet off of our floors strip by strip. Even though it’s only been a month, we’re learning a lot here at the library as we go through this process. For instance, did you know that it is frowned upon for library staff to play with all of the cool construction tools after the contractors go home? Shocking right? (Just kidding)

Come on In

The first floor of the Central Library may be under renovation but we are open for business on the second floor. We’ve moved all of our critical services upstairs for the duration of the renovation so that we make this process as convenient as possible for our customers. If you haven’t already, pop in and see what we have to offer. 
